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  • Endless Direct Traffic

    Over 1 Billion highly performing users.

  • Dedicated Support

    A dedicated account manager.

  • Transparency

    Accurate reports on your online reporting panel.

  • Multiple Ad Formats

    From full-screen ads to push notifications.

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Our Advertisers Love Us – This Is Why

  • Lots of Traffic

    Over 2 billion daily impressions worldwide, generated from native push notifications, popunders and other ad formats.

  • High Performance

    Whether it's CPM, CPC or CPA - we aim for an increased ROI from your campaign budget.

  • Easy Integration

    Self-service, managed CPA with auto optimization or programmatic endpoint integration - we support it all. Just name it.

  • Dedicated Support

    We are here for you! eUpClick isn't just an ad network - it's a place to grow together. Our support will assist you with any question.

  • Multiple Payment Options

    Use your favorite payment method to advertise with us: Paypal, credit card, Payoneer, wire and more!

  • Protect Your Brand

    Ad fraud is rare with eUpClick. We use the market's strongest anti-fraud tools together with our in-house technology.

Start Your Campaign Immediately

Our self-service platform makes setup quick, easy and hassle-free. Time is money!

Advanced reporting, API access, multiple targeting options and dedicated support are available.

Making money out of your content is quick and easy with eUpClick - give us 5 minutes, and we'll have you up and running!

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